
Force Ajax Initialization: This option will be disabled by default, and you don’t have to enable it but in case your theme is having issues with AJAX or jQuery due to JavaScript conflict or cache, you can enable this option to resolves such issues.

Lock page scroll when active: Activating this will look the page to its current position and remove the scroll page feature. This will only lock the page scroll when the floating cart is open.

Cart Loading Spinner: These settings provide 12 different animations for the cart while it is doing a background process. This can be further customized by the settings mentioned below.

Cart Loading Spinner Color: The loading spinner has two color. A darker and lighter one. This setting controls the primary color for the spinner, and it is suggested to add a darker color for this.

Cart Loading Overlay Color: This setting controls the background color for the spinner, and it is suggested to select a lighter color for this setting.

Cart Loading Spinner Extra Delay: This setting sets a delay for the spinner in milliseconds. The default value is 300ms, but it can be set to 0ms for no delay.

Open cart after adding products: This setting enables / disables opening the floating cart after adding ta product to the cart.

Enable Fly To Cart animation: When a product is added to the cart, a product image fly to the cart animation is played. 

Fly To Cart animation Duration:
This setting controls the fly to cart animation duration. This is set to 650ms as default but can be set to 300ms to 2000ms.

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