Cart Product

This section controls all the components of the product in the floating cart section. Let’s start understanding each sub-sections and settings field.


This section has to enable/disabled the settings fields for other various fields related to the product.

Show Product Sku: The WooCommerce product SKU can be displayed using this setting. This will be disabled by default.

Show Product Attributes: Enabling this field will display product attribute (if available)

Show Bundled Products Items: This field will display the items for bundle products only if applicable.

Show Composite Products Items: This field is also dependent upon availability but enabling this will display the composite product items if available.

Link Product to Single Page: Each product name in the floating cart is linked to a single product page. Disabling this setting will remove the link from the product’s title


This section controls the thumbnail of products. There are various related settings to the thumbnail that is controlled by this sub-section.

Hide Product Thumbnail: Enabling this will hide the product thumbnail. If it is disabled, none of the below settings will be available.

Force Squared Thumbnail: The product’s image can be of any size and setting this field enable will force all product’s thumbnails to be square.

Product Thumbnail Width: This setting controls the width of the product thumbnail.

Thumbnail Border Radius: The thumbnail border-radius can be changed with this setting.

Product Thumbnail Padding: This can be used to set the thumbnail padding.

Thumbnail Border Width: This setting controls the width of the thumbnail border. Settings this 0 will remove the border. Make sure you chose a border color from the below setting or the border will not be visible at all.

Thumbnail Border Color: The border color of the product’s thumbnail can be changed through this setting. Make sure you choose a border width from the above setting or the border will not be displayed.


It controls the product's title. There are three settings in this section, Title truncate, title color, and title hover color.

Cart Product Title Truncate: If the title is large to be fit in one line, it will be continued to the next line. This behaviour can be changed. The Cart Product Title Truncate setting can be set to “Yes” and the product’s title will be ellipsis if it can’t be fixed in one line.

Cart Product Title Color:  It will be used to change the title color.

Cart Product Title Hover Color: If the product single page link is enabled. This setting will control the hover color of the title.


This section has only two settings that are price color and display subtotal price or item price.

Cart Product Price Color: This is a color field and it controls the color of the price.

Cart Product Price Display: This setting has two options. Setting it to subtotal will display the total price of the product (sum of quantity). The other setting option is “Item Price” and setting it to item price will only show the price of a single item.


This section controls the product attribute. It will only be available if the “Show Products Attributes” is enabled from the general section.

Product Attributes Display Type List/Inline: Setting it “list” will display all the attributes of the product as an HTML list. Setting it “inline” will display the attributes in a single line.

Hide attribute labels, show values only: If attributes are self-explanatory like color. The attribute labels can be hide by setting this field to “Yes”.

Cart Product Attributes Color: This is a color field and it controls the product attributes color.

Quantity Input

There are eight different settings to control components related to quantity.

Cart Product Qty Input Enabled: A product quantity input field can be enabled/disabled.

Cart Product Qty Template: The quantity template can be used to rearrange the qty components.

Cart Product Qty Plus Minus Color: Color for plus sign to increase qty.

Cart Product Qty Plus minus Hover Color: This controls the minus sign hover color for qty.

Cart Product Qty Input Color: It controls the input color field for qty.

Below settings, the field can be used to resize the fonts for the minus/plus sign and input field text.

Cart Product Qty Plus Minus Size: Minus and plus sign cannot be resized separately. This one setting can control the size of both plus and minus signs.

Cart Product Qty Input Size: The text size of the qty input field can be changed from this setting.

Cart Product Qty Input Radius: This can be used to change the radius of qty input (plus, minus and input field together).

Remove Link

Cart Product Remove Icon Enabled: The floating cart has a product remove button. 
It can be an icon or text button. Set this option to “No” and an icon will be displayed, setting it to “Yes” will remove the icon and place a text button there.

Cart Product Remove Color: This is a color field. You can change the product's remove button color from here.

Cart Product Remove Hover Color: Remove button for products that can have a different hover color. You can change that hover color from this field.

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