Cart Menu Item

This section let you add the cart button (icon) on the menu. You can select any menu in the setting and a cart button will be added. This cart button can either popup the default floating cart or can redirect you to the cart page. There are settings available as follows

Enable Cart Menu Item: Set this to “Yes” to utilize the functionality.

Select Menu(s): The cart button (icon) can be added to any menu or menus. This setting will let you select all the menus you want to have the cart icon.

Always Visible: Setting this “True” will always display the cart icon even when it’s empty. You can select “No” and the cart icon will only be displayed where there is an item/product in the cart.

Position: Since the cart icon is added dynamically to the menu. You can select the position, either add it as the “First Menu Item” or Last Menu Item” through this setting options.

Alignment: This settings actually depends on your theme. It might have no effect on the cart icon at all. This actually lets you select the cart icon to be aligned according to the menu items.

Display Mode: This option let you select between the different available display modes of the icon. The four available display options are:

Icon Only: Display the only icons without any text.

Counter: Display the icon with the count of items in the cart.

Price: Display the icon with the total price of the cart.

Both: Display the icon with price as well as counter.

If cart is empty, show icon only: This option is quite straightforward. Set this to true and only an icon will be displayed if the cart is empty. It works in combination with the previous “display mode” settings.

Counter Type: You can display the count of total cart items as a text or as a badge (a number inside a circle)

Click Action: By default, clicking on the cart menu item will open/close the default floating cart. But there are two other options you can choose from. “Go to cart” or “Go to checkout”. These options will redirect you when the icon is clicked to their respective pages (cart or checkout)

Select Icon: There is nothing much to explain. There are different icon options and you can select any one of them to be used as the icon of the cart item menu.

Icon Size: This setting will let you resize the icon to suit the current design. To keep things simple, the icon size will be increased as the original size of the icon multiple to the number set in this setting.

Icon Color: You can select the color of the icon.

Text Color: The text color can be selected through this setting.

Let's see all the settings in action. The following video will help in understanding these settings in great detail.

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