
There are so many WordPress themes that it is quite impossible to test the plugin compatibility with all the available themes. It is possible that your theme has some elements that are overlapping the floating cart. Or there is a page where you don’t want the cart to be displayed. But don’t you worry. You don’t have to write a single line of code or hire a developer for this.

Visibility section handles such issues nicely. Let’s examine each available settings in this section.

Cart Z-Index: If the floating cart is overlapped by another theme element, the z-index setting is enough to resolve this issue. Just increase the z-index value by sliding the slider from left to right.

Hide cart on these pages: This setting let you hide the floating cart on a specific page. For example, you might want to hide the floating cart on the cart page.

Keep visible on empty: this setting will let you display the cart even when it is empty.

Device Visibility: This is an advanced option. It will let you specify the device where you want to hide the floating cart.

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